
The Sleeves Are Too Short If I Can't Step on Them (6/03/09 Wednesday)*

I try not to kid myself that I made any romantic inroads with my "thinking about you" crack. I've embarrassed/flattered Julie before, but I finally came to understand that however I made her feel at that moment was not a reflection of how she felt for me but about herself. I feel good for having made her feel that way (if I can even flatter myself that much), but I know that it doesn't necessarily increase her affection toward me. In fact, if we're ever to get to "normal" again, I may have set us back a step. In retrospect, it was a good thing to have furthered the conversation by mentioning the movie, bringing to earth any thought of lofty romantic intention--hope for it on my part and fear of it on hers. Yesterday, though, was definitely not a step forward. We made no contact whatsoever with either eyes or voice. I glanced at her several times, but only once when her back wasn't to me. I sat in front of her, at Angie's desk, doing holds one hour, and finished sweaty and with a knot in myh neck from the effort of trying to work when my mind was behind me. Another day of that is likely ahead of me today.

*Original Comment(s)
lonesome loser said...
Yeah, this is a really hard one. It feels so good to have Jessica (or whoever) react to me, it can be really difficult to understand they aren't really reacting to ME, just to the sexual/romantic attention. That even if they do "like" me more, it's because of what I can do for them, not because of wanting to be with me, to get to know me.

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